Saturday, January 2, 2010

Okay, Ground Rules

I keep it simple....

I'm a firm believer in free speech.  You have an opinion, by all means, voice it and be prepared to back it up  Crying about being shouted down doesn't cut it - either you can hack it or you can't.  If you can't, you're a pussy.

If someone says racist or other bigoted shit - bad on them.  I'm not going to police this blog for assholes.  If I don't delete them, it doesn't mean I agree with them.  In fact, I see a distinct bnefit in allowing a moron to speak at length so as to remove all doubt that they are a moron.  Plus I know where they are and what they are doing.

Actionable shit on me will be deleted.

Revealing personal information about anyone else who comments here gets the banhammer.

Trolls:  Unlike Leftist blogs, disagreeing with me isn't trolling.  Trolling is trying to start arguments, and perpetuating them by not fighting fair.    So here's what Fair Fighting is:  You make an assertion, you can expect to back it up.  I did take logic, so yes,you can prove a negative, so that dodge doesn't work (And this means the old trick of "God Doesn't Exist!"  "On what do you base that claim?"  "Bluster/Huff I don't have to prove anything, I made no claims!!!!" doesn't fly.  Yes, you did.  If you made a global negative generalization that is unprovable, that is your logic bad.

Also, please do not forget inductive and abductive reasoning.  Relying solely on deductive Aristotelian syllogisms is the sign of an amateur,  and of an inferior mind.

So I will ban trolls whe they become pointless.

I will also ban annoying and whiney people.  Just because I don't like them.

Anti-Semites are the scum of the Earth.  If you are a holocaust denier, OR if you do not believe in Israel's absolute right to defend themselves and exist as a Jewish state, within their current borders, you are an anti-Semite.

I will put up with flat-earthers and HIV as the cause of AIDS deniers before I will put up with the pseudo-science of Anthropogenic Glowbull Climate Change.  Same with Gender-as-a-construct retards.  It's disproven.  It's a hoax.  It's politics masquerading as science.

Keynesian Economics are bullshit.  If you believe in them, you're an idiot.  And you probably eat your young.

Yes, it is perfectly possible to believe in a big-bang event, evolution, et al, and believe a God or Gods set it in motion.  It's called a "First Cause."  In fact, I find it a lot more of a leap of faith to accept a first effect without a cause.  I guess I just don't have the faith required to be an atheist.

Oh, on that note, I count myself a recovering atheist.  Like I said in the intro, I wasn't the fun kind, either, I was as anti-Christian as you could get, and a card carrying member of American Atheists.  I know all the tricks of expressing anti-christian bigotry with plausible deniability.  Probably helped write a few.  If you don't believe God has any power over you, prove it to me by not recoiling like a vampire at the notion of writing His name, Crucifixes, et al.

No, I have no interest in converting you.  Because, honestly, I really don't give a fuck if you go to Hell.

I've seen the numbers on "Hate Crimes."  Put out by the FBI.  So I don't respect the culture of victimhood, climb down off your cross, and stop being a pussy.  Or a self-hating caucasian.  Non-whites, Gays, Transsexuals, Pagans, etc. etc. etc.- you're not living in a "As Bad As The Holocaust!" time or place, take a Midol.

George Bush has been out of the Oval Office for a year.  It's time to stop using him as a whipping boy and put on the big girl panties.  Man up.  For someone who ran on a platform of "Change!" I'm sick of hearing either of the weak and lame excuses of "Well he did it too!" Or "We've got to make HIS mess worse before we can fix it."  Pussies and bedwetters.  You ran as Messiah, Barry, now walk on some water.

Socialism has failed. Every. Time. It. Has. Been. Tried.   Yes, the right people have tried it, and tried it the right way.  It does not work.  And no, we don't have a free market.  We haven't had one since the progressives started encroaching on it at the turn of the last century.

Yes, I'm aware the Republicans were the progressive voice then.  And?  Hello?  Libertarian, remember?   You Republicrats with your "He did it too!" and "She did it first!"  are tiresome, childish, and petulant.  Grow up.  I have degrees in history.  Try your propaganda with the uneducated.

Only the government can censor. The New Decade doesn't start till 2111.  To "Decimate" something is to reduce it by 1/10th.  And so on, and so forth.  My 11 year old neice knows these things - of course, she is not a victim of Publik Thkule.  Are you smarter than a 6th grader?  Show it.  Use words properly.

How many witches did the church burn in Salem?  None.  The Church Burned HERETICS in Europe, and Puritans hung Christian people they accused of witchcraft in Salem. Again, I have degrees in history.  Try your propaganda with the uneducated.

Yes, I wish to fuck the conservatives would get mean and take over the Republican party.  If I can't have the five to seven parties I'd love to have, at least give me a contrast besides the "New Money Rich White Socialist Party" and the "Old Money Rich White Socialist Party."  I am personally of the "I work hard for my money and barely make ends meet as it is so stop taking it from me to fund your already over-budget vote buying schemes" party.  Assholes.

No respect for Political Correctness or the adherents thereof.  I often take a secret glee in winding them up, too.  I think the easily offended should be offended, as it is The Lord's Work.

I am against using the arm-twisting of government for social engineering, period.  Just because I think a thing shouldn't be a criminal act, don't assume I approve of it.  One of my guiding principles is that everyone should be free to be both wrong and stupid, and everyone should be free to have zero to do with anything they disapprove of.  For example, I am a Catholic, and if you want to be an anti-catholic bigot and have nothing to do with me, or my business, you should have that right.  So long as I can go into a court and get equal treatment, I care not a fig what your private life or private business does.  And I want me, and everyone else to have that same freedom.  For that reason, I may agree with your goals (in general) but not want shit to do with your methods.

I don't lay awake at night fretting, worrying, and wetting the bed over the fact that someone who has made different moral choices than me might not only survive, but flourish and prosper.  Anyone who does, is, IMO, a pussy.

Once upon a time I donated to both the State and National branches of the ACLU.  Then I found a love for ALL of the Bill of Rights.

Anything else  - I will let you know.

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